The Number 33, 9/11, the Freemasons/PTB, and All Things Nuclear
By The Anonymous Physicist
Here I will present a world first. I will connect the code (number 33) of the Powers That Be (Freemasons on one level) to 9/11, and to both nuclear bombs, and all things nuclear. Other events such as the assassination of President Kennedy and the recent VA. Tech killings are also tied in. I should note that each time I cite the number 33, it might only be happenstance, and not anything conspiratorial; there’s no way to prove otherwise in each case. But never forget what high level British secret agent, and later novelist, Ian Fleming had his Goldfinger character say, “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action.”
Readers who want to know where all this leads should read or re-read what I have written here. If you are new to the deeper levels of the global/historical conspiracy, I would advise you to read much on Freemasons, Illuminati, CFR/Trilaterals/Bilderberg/Tavistock, Jesuits/Black Pope, Opus Dei, Knights Templar, and “Royal” Bloodlines. While my cited article will save you many years, and lead you to the “Ultimate Truth” behind these groups, learning about these nefarious groups, commonly called the Powers That Be (PTB) will help you learn about what I call “the interfacers”— the seeming ultimate powers, until you learn of that final level I have revealed in that article.
I trust the reader knows that the number 33 is perhaps the most “beloved” of the Freemasons. It is the “official” highest degree of membership in Freemasonry— most of whose membership likely does not know these things, and join to get a job, or “lose” a parking ticket. Others have said there may be Freemason levels higher than 33, known only to a few. Now the origin of the importance of this number throughout Man’s recorded history, can only be hypothesized, and is both beyond the scope here, and is not crucial to this article. (You can read clues in my article cited on top; whether it relates to trigonometric relations of the Giza pyramid lengths and angles, the belt stars in Orion, and other matters, is up to you to learn and decide. But it is beyond the scope here, and not necessary for what I will reveal.)
Numerous cities have been built on 33 degree latitude locations, including Dallas, TX, and Baghdad, Iraq. Dallas, of course, is where President Kennedy was killed, and indeed you can find articles on all the Freemason symbols present at Dealey Plaza. Also the month and day add up to 33 (11 + 22 = 33). A recent mass murder, the Virgina Tech killings, by who I coined was the ManCHOrian Candidate, led to 33 official deaths including Cho, who like Oswald was likely just a patsy, and not the shooter. I have found that the PTB were really telling their “fellow travelers” and anyone else who knows, that they were responsible for many things that day. At that same time, the official death toll of U.S. service men and women in Iraq was the double 33 — 3333. And Congressman Kucinich, on that day, issued 3 articles of impeachment (of Cheney/Bush) in his Resolution 333 — or 3333.
Before I conclude with the 9/11 connection to the number 33 and the PTB, I wish to release (perhaps for the first time) its crucial connection to all things nuclear. Now you may know that the world’s first, official, man-made, controlled, nuclear chain reaction, on December 2, 1942, was led by Physicist, Dr. Enrico Fermi, in a converted sqaush court underneath the football stadium at the University of Chicago.
Fermi officially let it run for— “NATURALLY”--33 minutes. Now, IMO, I do not necessarily believe the pile went critical that long. Rather the number is code to all their members, in the highest places, both in the U.S. Govt and their controllers in London and Rome, and elsewhere, that “we now have and control nuclear power.” I conclude this because of several things: These physicists’ instruments told them they were successful likely within seconds; and they have themselves acknowledged that they were endangering the survival of a large percentage of the human population of Chicago with matters that were allegedly new to them. So I doubt it really was run for 33 minutes; and even if it was, stopping it at 33 minutes was code.
In August of 1945, the culmination of the “Manhattan Project” [or was 9/11/01 in Manhattan’s WTC, the culmination?], of which the U. of Chicago experiment was part, took place when the U.S. regime dropped nuclear fission bombs on the women, children and old men living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hundreds of thousands died immediately (from the two cities) and many more would die from the radioactive aftermath. Who officially ordered this monstrosity? President Harry Truman who was both a 33rd degree Freemason, and the 33rd President of the USA. You might say a double 33 again. The official story is that Truman, was kept in the dark about “the Bomb” as Vice-President, until President Roosevelt died. This may or may not be true. But never forget where all this leads, so even 33rd degree Freemasons may not know what they are to be used for, until after it happens. Also, in passing, I note that George Washington was a 33rd degree Freemason, and that appears on his tombstone-- above reference to his being the first President of the USA. Other Presidents were 33rd degree Freemasons as well.
The final nuclear matter I wish to include relates to radiation released from low levels of nuclear reactions such as are found in medicine and science, and even in smoke detectors. The original symbol for radiation released from these low level nuclear reactions is the logo which has 3 triangular shaped entities; i.e. 3 3-sided figures, or 33. See this for example. So, I have found, all things nuclear seem to have the 33 associated with them! Informing those in the know, just who controls all things nuclear, on this Planet.
Finally regarding 9/11, we have reference to Freemasons (see the all-seeing eye at the subway station near and under the WTC), and the number 33 in several ways. But one way has apparently escaped virtually everyone. It concerns someone the PTB have proclaimed as a hero, namely William Rodriguez-- the former TV magician, cum janitor, cum Gov. Mario Cuomo press agent, cum janitor—cum hero! And he was not in his usual place (high up in the tower) at his usual time that morning. Now I have detailed how likely nuclear radiation victim Felipe David’s hanging skin was due to heat without fire, in David’s own words. But when the story is told by Rodriquez, fire is added. Here we have Rodriquez, at 4:53, saying “I was on the 33rd floor…” He cryptically describes hearing goings on at the 34th floor, but is afraid of going there, and “few have the key for that floor.” Maybe he really was there at the 33rd floor, listening in on the 34th floor where he cryptically dare not enter. But historically the number 33 has been used to “promote this guy,” or “give him a pass” or “get this religion going around the world, it’s part of our thing.” The last item, of course, relates to the alleged age of death of the alleged “son of God”, Jesus Christ. Those who know the conspiracy matter well, know that similar psyops of the “son of God”, sometimes with “12 disciples” was perpetrated on mankind several times-- besides Jesus, we had Alexander, Horus, Buddha. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. and died in 323 B.C., a difference of 33 years. Now these individuals/”gods”, if they existed at all, and some researchers are doubtful in one or more cases— were not the ones to make the “son of God” claim; others did that—usually much later. Horus was said to be both the son of God and the “Sun God.” The many similarities in the psyops/stories of Jesus and Horus is noted here. And the “all seeing eye” noted above, that is in the subway station underneath the WTC is also known as the “eye of Horus.” Yes, the 9/11 event was likely planned a long time ago! The 9/11 date is itself a favorite of the PTB. Pentagon ground was broken to start its construction on 9/11/42. George HW Bush announced his beloved “New World Order” in his speech before Congress, and the world, on 9/11/91.
Let’s get back to Rodriquez saying he went to the 33rd floor, and looked/heard “beyond” where some important action was going on, that he could not rise to, nor enter. Was the number 33 (and beyond) code in the matter of the William Rodriquez story? Was that floor number cited to “give this guy a pass and promote this guy and his story, around the world and quickly.” Like all things nuclear, like with the assassination of President Kennedy, 9/11/01 was replete with code from the PTB, that the official story is bogus, and hinting at who was ultimately responsible and why.
How The PTB Signal Their Involvement in the Deaths & Assassinations of Leaders, and Was the Shuttle Columbia Shot Down by the Quarantiners?
by The Anonymous Physicist
Copyright, November 8, 2008 by the Anonymous Physicist. Permission granted for all to re-transmit, post, etc as long as it is non-profit and “Copyright, Anonymous Physicist” remains on it.
Previously I have revealed how the Freemason’s beloved 33 is a signal for several things. It is often used in regards to “all things nuclear” as I revealed here. It also has been used in non-nuclear matters for thousands of years, as a signal to “promote this person and his legend/PsyOps far and wide.” The legend will contain some 33, such as age (Jesus, Alexander) or claim that the person worked somewhere for “33 years” such as here, or “he went to the 33rd Floor” (W. Rodriguez), or similar information that signals Media and Gov’ts to promote the 33 Person/Legend without any questioning. [Note, CNN reported that on 9/11, on the four planes, 233 passengers and 33 crew were lost-- Spooked] Of course, I have revealed that the Freemasons are just another secret society ultimately controlled by “London, Rome and Beyond.”
Always remember that any one “33” can be mere coincidence, but when a set of many 33’s occurs in some regard, coincidence is unlikely. So I wish now to demonstrate how the murders and deaths of presidents, dictators, or other leaders are also signaled by the PTB with their “33,” that they were responsible. You can watch the 1964 "documentary", "Four Days in November". While it is basically official propaganda, it depicts that though President Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1:00 PM, they withheld announcement (bogus reasons) until (naturally) 1:33 PM; when they released the official statement to the world.
This means that despite all the lies-- that continue to this very day-- everyone high up in the Gov’ts and Media around the world knew IMMEDIATELY with that 33, that no individual patsy did it; rather it was ordered by London, Rome and the Ultimate PTB. Indeed read carefully Wiki: Also claimed to be leaving the Texas School Book Depository building at “12:33” was Lee Harvey Oswald-- the (CIA/ONI) patsy. Search on 33. You will see that the article uses the word "approximately" for both 33's in the timeline. IMO, that is even more telling! They are saying that maybe these events did not actually happen at the 33-minute mark, but they are being proclaimed to have occurred then, for the reasons I have highlighted.
Another American assassination appears to have had a 33 in its timeline. Malcolm X was apparently shot at “about” 3:30 PM in Harlem, NYC. The very next day he had planned to speak to the United Nations about the plight of African Americans. Many know of the involvement of the FBI, the CIA, and some in his own former organization who took his place, after his murder.
Going back in time, let us look at the death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR’s death on April 12, 1945 is said to have occurred at 3:35 PM in Warm Springs, Georgia. The official cause is cerebral hemorrhage. But here you learn what some have said for years, that FDR was murdered. I do not know about that. After all, he was sick for many years with Polio, and he smoked; so 63 is not old given all that, in 1945. And the last URL is an article by “Sorcha Faal” who often has a “unique” take on things. But note that that article claims that in 1945, German nuclear bomb material was used by the Americans to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki-- which is what I have claimed after much research and thinking. So the use of the 33 in regards to President Roosevelt’s death may again have been telling the world who was responsible, and Sorcha Faal has some very interesting claims as to the deals made between FDR’s successor (Truman) and the USSR, that shaped the world for decades to come. (Even if disinfo, Sorcha Faal often includes some important truths.) Of course, FDR’s successor was the double 33. Harry Truman was both a 33rd degree freemason and the 33rd President of the USA.
Another notable 20th Century world leader was also declared to have died with a 33 in the timeline. Adolf Hitler, it is officially proclaimed, died at about 3:30 PM on April 30, 1945. Note the “about.” Of course, I have detailed here the convoluted saga of Hitler whereby he was likely a British agent, along with Canaris, Goehring and Himmler. And the book, “Hitler Was A British Agent” claims that Hitler actually survived the War, and lived out his life and died in a Convent in Spain, in 1955. I doubt that, as it is more likely that when MI6 was done with Hitler, they would have preferred him dead; just as there are indications that Chief Exterminator Himmler’s British captors blew his brains out after he surrendered in what he believed was a “coming home to Papa” event. No one is more expendable than the evil idiots who are intel perps for Langley, London or Rome.
On the other hand, I have discovered that sometimes the PTB use their coveted “33” to signal that someone is NOT to be assassinated. I.e., this person has the approval of the PTB. Shortly after new South African President De Klerk was appointed, he gave his famous unbanning speech. It was deliberately worded as in this quote, “In February [2] 1990, De Klerk announced the unbanning of the ANC, the PAC, the Communist Party and 33 other organizations, as well as the release of Mandela .” See how De Klerk could have said he was unbanning the ANC [African National Congress] and 35 other parties, but he wanted to get the “33” in there. IMO, this was code that the PTB in London and Rome approved that Mandela should not be harmed-- despite the great chaos and many killings, and assassinations in that country-- and that he would be President in South Africa soon enough. Four years later, Mandela was President. I note that Mandela since being freed, traveled to London several times, including to celebrate his 90th birthday. Indeed a search of “Mandela and Freemason” shows numerous sources that allege Mandela is a 33rd degree Freemason, including photos of him with the Freemason’s unique handshakes. I am not suggesting that Mandela is not a great man and a great leader. And he suffered immensely for wanting freedom and justice for his people. I am just saying that there may be much more here than the MSM will ever be allowed to reveal. It is fascinating that even Robben Island where Mandela was imprisoned for most of three decades is on the 33rd degree S.Latitude.
33 degree latitude locations have long been used for historical events, and cities. Dallas was where JFK was killed. It has also been stated that it was over Dallas that the Space Shuttle Columbia [was?] exploded.
Shortly after the loss of Columbia, a photo of what may have caused the problem appeared on the net. It then disappeared from most of the sites that it had appeared on, especially American sites. But I have found it again on a Polish site. It is found here. This is a time-lapse photo:

It shows, something from above coming down, adjusting its direction, and intersecting the path of the Shuttle. From the point of that intersection, you can see that the Shuttle became brighter. This likely indicates that it presented more surface area for illumination-- possibly because it had exploded, or was otherwise damaged and “opened up.” I note that since this photo initially got some notoriety, a whole new field of disinformation arose. Before disappearing, this was claimed to be “lightning.” Even though it comes from above. The new field of disinfo claims that lightning can go up from Earth 50 or more miles, far higher than previously estimated before the Columbia loss. This new field, since that moment, appears regularly on some of the bogus conspiracy sites (actually run by intel agencies), and claims much of the phenomena in the Universe is electrical. And it all started with trying to negate or hide this one photo. Why?
As such possible Space Shuttle shoot-downs do not usually occur, OTHERS may have gauged that this Shuttle had done, or was about to do, something that would not be allowed. Perhaps something related to Quarantine escape, or something nuclear--do you recall how authorities declared that anyone touching or retrieving Shuttle contents would be arrested? Could there be a radiaoactive reason for why they were so virulent? And, if this was a shootdown, the Quarantiners may have picked the Earth coordinates so that the quarantined ones would know that this was no accident. Indeed see STS 107’s logo here. Note the three rays passing through a ring (the Grid?) and ending up on a star:

I would surmise that the Shuttle shootdown may have been a Cosmic Middle Finger from the Quarantiners to our monstrous, but quarantined, creaters/rulers, possibly using their own beloved, Orionic 33 for the shootdown coordinates!
UPDATE: This CNN piece says that animals licking shuttle debris got sick, in a manner akin to radiation poisoning, and indicates that there was indeed some funny business on the shuttle.
Copyright, November 8, 2008 by the Anonymous Physicist. Permission granted for all to re-transmit, post, etc as long as it is non-profit and “Copyright, Anonymous Physicist” remains on it.
Previously I have revealed how the Freemason’s beloved 33 is a signal for several things. It is often used in regards to “all things nuclear” as I revealed here. It also has been used in non-nuclear matters for thousands of years, as a signal to “promote this person and his legend/PsyOps far and wide.” The legend will contain some 33, such as age (Jesus, Alexander) or claim that the person worked somewhere for “33 years” such as here, or “he went to the 33rd Floor” (W. Rodriguez), or similar information that signals Media and Gov’ts to promote the 33 Person/Legend without any questioning. [Note, CNN reported that on 9/11, on the four planes, 233 passengers and 33 crew were lost-- Spooked] Of course, I have revealed that the Freemasons are just another secret society ultimately controlled by “London, Rome and Beyond.”
Always remember that any one “33” can be mere coincidence, but when a set of many 33’s occurs in some regard, coincidence is unlikely. So I wish now to demonstrate how the murders and deaths of presidents, dictators, or other leaders are also signaled by the PTB with their “33,” that they were responsible. You can watch the 1964 "documentary", "Four Days in November". While it is basically official propaganda, it depicts that though President Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1:00 PM, they withheld announcement (bogus reasons) until (naturally) 1:33 PM; when they released the official statement to the world.
This means that despite all the lies-- that continue to this very day-- everyone high up in the Gov’ts and Media around the world knew IMMEDIATELY with that 33, that no individual patsy did it; rather it was ordered by London, Rome and the Ultimate PTB. Indeed read carefully Wiki: Also claimed to be leaving the Texas School Book Depository building at “12:33” was Lee Harvey Oswald-- the (CIA/ONI) patsy. Search on 33. You will see that the article uses the word "approximately" for both 33's in the timeline. IMO, that is even more telling! They are saying that maybe these events did not actually happen at the 33-minute mark, but they are being proclaimed to have occurred then, for the reasons I have highlighted.
Another American assassination appears to have had a 33 in its timeline. Malcolm X was apparently shot at “about” 3:30 PM in Harlem, NYC. The very next day he had planned to speak to the United Nations about the plight of African Americans. Many know of the involvement of the FBI, the CIA, and some in his own former organization who took his place, after his murder.
Going back in time, let us look at the death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR’s death on April 12, 1945 is said to have occurred at 3:35 PM in Warm Springs, Georgia. The official cause is cerebral hemorrhage. But here you learn what some have said for years, that FDR was murdered. I do not know about that. After all, he was sick for many years with Polio, and he smoked; so 63 is not old given all that, in 1945. And the last URL is an article by “Sorcha Faal” who often has a “unique” take on things. But note that that article claims that in 1945, German nuclear bomb material was used by the Americans to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki-- which is what I have claimed after much research and thinking. So the use of the 33 in regards to President Roosevelt’s death may again have been telling the world who was responsible, and Sorcha Faal has some very interesting claims as to the deals made between FDR’s successor (Truman) and the USSR, that shaped the world for decades to come. (Even if disinfo, Sorcha Faal often includes some important truths.) Of course, FDR’s successor was the double 33. Harry Truman was both a 33rd degree freemason and the 33rd President of the USA.
Another notable 20th Century world leader was also declared to have died with a 33 in the timeline. Adolf Hitler, it is officially proclaimed, died at about 3:30 PM on April 30, 1945. Note the “about.” Of course, I have detailed here the convoluted saga of Hitler whereby he was likely a British agent, along with Canaris, Goehring and Himmler. And the book, “Hitler Was A British Agent” claims that Hitler actually survived the War, and lived out his life and died in a Convent in Spain, in 1955. I doubt that, as it is more likely that when MI6 was done with Hitler, they would have preferred him dead; just as there are indications that Chief Exterminator Himmler’s British captors blew his brains out after he surrendered in what he believed was a “coming home to Papa” event. No one is more expendable than the evil idiots who are intel perps for Langley, London or Rome.
On the other hand, I have discovered that sometimes the PTB use their coveted “33” to signal that someone is NOT to be assassinated. I.e., this person has the approval of the PTB. Shortly after new South African President De Klerk was appointed, he gave his famous unbanning speech. It was deliberately worded as in this quote, “In February [2] 1990, De Klerk announced the unbanning of the ANC, the PAC, the Communist Party and 33 other organizations, as well as the release of Mandela .” See how De Klerk could have said he was unbanning the ANC [African National Congress] and 35 other parties, but he wanted to get the “33” in there. IMO, this was code that the PTB in London and Rome approved that Mandela should not be harmed-- despite the great chaos and many killings, and assassinations in that country-- and that he would be President in South Africa soon enough. Four years later, Mandela was President. I note that Mandela since being freed, traveled to London several times, including to celebrate his 90th birthday. Indeed a search of “Mandela and Freemason” shows numerous sources that allege Mandela is a 33rd degree Freemason, including photos of him with the Freemason’s unique handshakes. I am not suggesting that Mandela is not a great man and a great leader. And he suffered immensely for wanting freedom and justice for his people. I am just saying that there may be much more here than the MSM will ever be allowed to reveal. It is fascinating that even Robben Island where Mandela was imprisoned for most of three decades is on the 33rd degree S.Latitude.
33 degree latitude locations have long been used for historical events, and cities. Dallas was where JFK was killed. It has also been stated that it was over Dallas that the Space Shuttle Columbia [was?] exploded.
Shortly after the loss of Columbia, a photo of what may have caused the problem appeared on the net. It then disappeared from most of the sites that it had appeared on, especially American sites. But I have found it again on a Polish site. It is found here. This is a time-lapse photo:

It shows, something from above coming down, adjusting its direction, and intersecting the path of the Shuttle. From the point of that intersection, you can see that the Shuttle became brighter. This likely indicates that it presented more surface area for illumination-- possibly because it had exploded, or was otherwise damaged and “opened up.” I note that since this photo initially got some notoriety, a whole new field of disinformation arose. Before disappearing, this was claimed to be “lightning.” Even though it comes from above. The new field of disinfo claims that lightning can go up from Earth 50 or more miles, far higher than previously estimated before the Columbia loss. This new field, since that moment, appears regularly on some of the bogus conspiracy sites (actually run by intel agencies), and claims much of the phenomena in the Universe is electrical. And it all started with trying to negate or hide this one photo. Why?
As such possible Space Shuttle shoot-downs do not usually occur, OTHERS may have gauged that this Shuttle had done, or was about to do, something that would not be allowed. Perhaps something related to Quarantine escape, or something nuclear--do you recall how authorities declared that anyone touching or retrieving Shuttle contents would be arrested? Could there be a radiaoactive reason for why they were so virulent? And, if this was a shootdown, the Quarantiners may have picked the Earth coordinates so that the quarantined ones would know that this was no accident. Indeed see STS 107’s logo here. Note the three rays passing through a ring (the Grid?) and ending up on a star:

I would surmise that the Shuttle shootdown may have been a Cosmic Middle Finger from the Quarantiners to our monstrous, but quarantined, creaters/rulers, possibly using their own beloved, Orionic 33 for the shootdown coordinates!
UPDATE: This CNN piece says that animals licking shuttle debris got sick, in a manner akin to radiation poisoning, and indicates that there was indeed some funny business on the shuttle.
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